Emergencies can happen at any time, here are some of the things you should have on hand. Keep these items in a container with both your name and horses information, clearly marked on it. You should also have a small human first aid kit, and consider bringing a small trail kit when you are out ridding away from the barn.
- Laminated card with owners contact information, primary veterinarian contact information, as well as additional veterinary/hospital contact information in case of emergency.
Small notebook and pen for taking down information and instructions.
- Digital Thermometer
- Latex gloves
- A pair of bandage scissor
- Another pair of small sharp scissors
- Pair of nail clippers, for suture removal
- Tweezers
- Hoof pick
- Duct Tape
- Flash light
- A stethoscope
- Self-sticking bandages such as Vetwrap
- Medical adhesive tape/ Elasticon
- Gauze Squares: 3 x 3inches, 5 x 5 inches, and or Maxi pads
- Gauze roll 4 inch
- Instant cold pack
- Polo wrap and quilted cotton wrap
- A roll of sterile cotton
- Vaseline for the thermometer
- Pre-moistened alcohol swabs
- A bottle of rubbing alcohol
- Epsom Salts (magnesesium sulfate)
- A poultice such as Animalintex or Magnapaste
- Neosporin
- Alluspray
- An antiseptic scrub such a Betadine (proidone-iodine) or Nolvasan (chlorhexidine)
- Bottle of saline solution
- Bute
- Banamine Paste
- Neo-poly-bac eye ointment
Normal Vitals for the Adult Horse:
- Temperature: 98.0-100.8 F
- Heart Rate: 28-44 beats per minute
- Respiratory Rate: 12-18 breaths per minute
What a great list! I will check it against what I have at the tack room!